
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

aloo zucchini (potatoe curry with zucchini)

I am back in the blog ...could not write much about cooking during this busy with my son ...because he was having vacation,went for lots of trips also.

Aloo - Zucchini
2 medium sized white potatoes
1 medium or 2 small green zucchini
1 tablespoon canola oil
1 chopped onion
2 chopped tomatoes
1/2 tspn kalonji seeds (black onion seeds, they look very similar to black sesame seeds)
red chilli powder
garam masala

Method: Clean potatoes. No need to peel if using white potatoes. Cut them into cubes.Slice zucchini using a slicer (or as you wish to keep). Heat oil and  add hing and kalonji seeds.Add onions and saute on medium till 3/4 done.Then add potatoes and cook covered on medium till 1/2 doneAdd zucchini, and cook covered In a separate small pan, saute tomatoes till they are soft. Add to the potatoes-zuchhini pan, add salt, turmeric, red chilli powderWhen almost done, add some garam masala and amchoor.

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